Accurate and Insightful Psychic-Intuitive Medium. .

Gada Jane, Psychic Intuitive

Tune into your highest potential with Gada Jane. 


Gada offers readings that help people see themselves, their abilities, and opportunities in fresh and empowering ways. She offers precise and detailed insight into people and situations by directly tuning into the energy.  

Through her coaching and training programs, she teaches people how to work with their own intuitive processes through a process of tuning in and allowing their own intuitive language to reveal itself. 

Gada loves to understand people and what drives them. She uses her psychic insight into the inner workings of people to help her clients understand themselves, their relationships and their best path forward. 



Gada Jane


Gada created Gada Jane Intuitive to share her psychic intuitive skills and insight with as many people as possible. She is a gifted psychic with a specialty for tuning into and understanding people, relationships, and avenues for personal growth. She is also a writer and the Creative Director of Velvet Icons Productions. 

Heather Debling

General Manager

Heather is a writer of fiction and plays, as well as a writing teacher and coach. She also works as a freelance project manager, supporting heart-centered entrepreneurs in managing their businesses and building efficient organizational systems.